Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Again, Republicans in our Congress have put party politics above the American people and the U.S. economy. Last week the Tea Party members, now referred to as "Conservatives" by the Associated Press, decided that no immigration reform measures will be taken up by the House of Representatives in 2014. They insist they will not do anything until they also control the Senate. The House GOP members believe this will happen next year. What they plan to do toward immigration reform after they achieve this victory is as clear as mud.

The House Speaker, John Boehner, spoke further on the subject, suggesting why he thought no immigration reform measure will be brought up in the House this year. He stated that House Republicans do not trust President Obama to uphold any law passed. Wow! Is he suggesting treason on the part of the President of the United States?

The Republican Party, which has been hijacked by aging rich white people funded by the Koch Brothers who dream of a return to the 1950's, and Cuban-Americans who have totally forgotten their roots, is trying desperately to hold on to a past that was a figment of their imagination at best. They keep proving to the American people that if you are not rich, Cuban or Republican, they do not want us and will not lift a finger to help us.

In a report released by the Immigration Policy Center, entitled, Raising the Floor for American Workers: The Economic Benefits of Comprehensive Immigration Reform, the author concludes that comprehensive immigration reform would have a cumulative effect that would add $1.5 Trillion to the U.S. gross domestic product over 10 years.  The report states that a legalization program for unauthorized immigrants now in the country would also assure a future flow of legal workers for U.S.companies.

Authored by Dr. Raul Hinojosa-Ojeda, the report further states that tax revenues from newly legalized workers would increase tax revenues by $4.5-$5.4 Billion in the first three years alone. These now legal immigrants would also generate enough purchasing power to create at least 750,000 new jobs in the United States.

The economic benefits of immigration reform are so strong even the typically conservative U.S. Chamber of Commerce has come out in support of this legislation, including a lawful road to citizenship. Hundreds of religious and non-religious voices have also spoken out in favor of reform passage.  But, John Boehner, unable to move his Tea Party stalwarts in the Republican Party, sits on the sidelines and watches the U.S. lose jobs and revenues. Worst of all, however, is the loss of an amazing array of talented workers and entrepreneurs.

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