Tuesday, June 23, 2015


In 1860 the U.S. Census estimated that approximately 3,954,000 people were held as slaves in the Southern and border states of the Union.  In 1945, when the Nazi Government of Germany was defeated, approximately 11 million people were freed from forced labor and POW camps.

Post-war Germans believe Nazism was an aberration. Most U.S. citizens believe the Confederacy of southern and border states was an aberration as well.

So distasteful was the rise of Nazism in Germany that the German Strafgesetzbuch (Criminal Code), specifically Statute 86a, outlaws the "use of symbols of unconstitutional organizations."  This law includes flags, insignia, uniforms, slogans, and forms of greeting.

The traitors and terrorists who rose up to defy the Federal Government of the United States and caused a Civil War between the states of the Union, should be shown the same courtesy that Germany offers Nazis...none.  The U.S. government would be within its right to ban Confederacy-inspired parades, flags, cemeteries, societal groups, and more.

Making slaves of humans and dissatisfaction with government policies are held in common by the carriers of these two flags.  Quit trying to explain racism and slavery as if it makes sense.  It does not. Relegate the flag of the Confederacy to the Museum of Hatred, where it belongs.

I do not care if your great, great grandpappy fought and died for the flag. He was a stupid racist like his fellow rebels and deserves nothing save contempt.

Thursday, June 18, 2015


Dear Moms and Dads of America,

If you own, or have seen, photographs of your children and one of your brood looks like this in any photo,

or appears looking like this, 

or smiles such,

do America a favor.
Do not...

I repeat, DO NOT...

buy them a gun as a gift.  

As a matter of fact, if they possess a gun, take it away from them...by force if you have to! 

And please, for the sake of your fellow citizens, after you have screwed up this child's life with your sexist or racist or alcohol or drug-infused rants about getting screwed by "them," or your unwillingness to hold them responsible for any of their actions, or your unwillingness to sink all your savings into making them well or keeping them from harming members of your society, do us all a favor.  

If they use the guns you allowed them to own to kill your friends and/or neighbors, take it upon yourself to do the following.

Blow both your own damn brains out as well. 

You are responsible for making these horrible creatures, not us.

With love,
