Wednesday, March 12, 2014


According to The Guardian Vietnam has announced a suspension of its search efforts for Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 and its 239 passengers and crew.  "We've decided to temporarily suspend some search and rescue activities, pending information from Malaysia." said Pham Quy Tieu, Vietnam's deputy minister of transport.

The Boeing 777 aircraft has been missing since early last Saturday morning. The United States, Vietnam, Thailand, China and more are trying to assist tiny Malaysia with this complicated search. Despite consistently changing and/or withholding information about the plane's flight path, the Malaysian military insists it will remain in charge of the search.

Vietnam is not alone in expressing its frustration.  U.S. and Chinese authorities have also expressed annoyance at the lack of detailed information provided to date. So, what happens when military egos and secrecy get in the middle of a search for a lost aircraft? Crazy theories.

Reuters has listed several.  One of the wildest comes from Malaysia's New Straits Times quoting a shaman claiming the airplane was "hijacked by elves" and is suspended in mid-air. China has reported that relatives of passengers have called cell phones that ring, but are not answered, as proof that passengers are still alive. Agenda NWO, on YouTube, suggests the airliner was shot down by a military jet over the Gulf of Thailand. And, a member of the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party had to apologize on Twitter after suggesting the plane went down in a "New Bermuda Triangle" off Vietnam.

Of course the crazy theories started with the assumption that terrorists took the plane down after learning two Iranian nationals boarded the flight with stolen passports.  Evidently Malaysia does not check with Interpol's free access stolen passport network before allowing passengers to board their aircraft. Thus, Malaysia's civil and military authorities had little in the way of credibility from the very beginning of this incident.

More than four days have now passed since the airliner disappeared. We may never find this plane.  But, someone needs to shake up Malaysia's government and allow a nation with the resources, like the U.S. or China, to lead this search. Perhaps Ban Ki-moon needs to get involved quickly with this search before Malaysia's ineptitude spoils all hope of a recovery for the families and loves ones, as well as providing the world with an understanding of just what happened to this popular Boeing aircraft.

As for my theory?  With no debris field it appears the aircraft crashed in one large piece.  As to why, that is a mystery that will only be resolved by finding the aircraft and its black box.  Right now, let the search continue near Malaysia, Vietnam, and Thailand.

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