Friday, January 17, 2014


  1. I believe all Americans have a right to practice their religion freely unless that practice impinges on another American’s belief(s), including the rights of those Americans who are atheists.
  2. I believe that in America healthcare for all is a right, not a privilege.
  3. I believe the National Guard and the military reserves are the “militia” mentioned in the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and, therefore, guns do not belong in the hands of the general public.
  4. I believe to be an American citizen you must, after age 18, serve your country in some capacity (military or other form of voluntary service) for a minimum of two years.
  5. I believe our borders should be as porous as possible, allowing more, not less, people to come and show us what they can contribute to our society.
  6. I believe that as the richest nation in the world every American citizen should be guaranteed a minimum salary for their labors, a salary large enough to pay for basic food, shelter, and clothing.  
  7. I believe that the Emancipation Proclamation, along with several Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, truly clarify that under the law all Americans are equal…men, women, white, black, brown, red, yellow, gay, straight, religious, non-religious, smart, stupid, educated, uneducated, famous, infamous, not famous, short, tall, blonde, brunette, bald, and whomever else is a U.S. Citizen by birth or naturalization.
  8. I believe that white America has never come to terms with American slavery and will never understand that divide in our society until it does come to terms with this historical scar, i.e. despite what Chief Justice Roberts writes, racism does exist in America.
  9. I believe Nelson Rockefeller, John F. Kennedy, Gerald Ford, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama are educated and bright Conservatives.  I believe Mario Rubio, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Paul Ryan are uneducated and downright mean-spirited right-wing ideologues who have more in common with the John Birch Society than the Republican Party.  We have not seen a Liberal in Congress since Ted Kennedy died.
  10. I believe there should be a 28th Amendment to the Constitution that states:

“Only those Members of Congress who have served in the
Military may vote to declare and/or fund war or vote to send
a member of the U.S. military to a location outside the borders
of the United States of America.”

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