Tuesday, April 15, 2014


In a story that could only roll out of Florida, according to CBS News, a total of five poor young black bears were killed by the state. Their crime, evidently, was living near the home of a white woman who was attacked by a single black bear last week.

She reportedly went to her home's garage alone in Lake Mary because, according to her husband, he was smart enough to know not to go alone to investigate strange sounds in the garage.

In an exclusive interview with Jimmie Ray Smith, one of the killers, speaking to reporter Johnny Bobby Smith of the Okefenokee News and Mobile Home Daily, owned by Billy Jim and Betty Sue Smith of Ocala, it was reported that he is now claiming innocence based on Florida's Stand Your Ground law.

"I was in fear for my life," said Jimmie Ray. "After all the bear was black and listening to loud rap music while eating Skittles," Mr. Smith claimed.

Judge Timmy Lou "Cootie" Smith claimed his third cousin was within his rights. "We in Florida know these Skittles eatin' blackies love to eat white women," he told Fox News.

Oh, by the way, they do not know if any of these five dead black bears included the one that attacked the woman. [See scene from the movie Jaws after small boy is taken by white shark.]

Go Florida!!

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