Wednesday, April 23, 2014


White people were dealt yet another blow by the latest race-based case decided by the U.S. Supreme Court.

The 6-2 decision in Schuette vs. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, No. 12-682, let stand a Michigan voter referendum that disallowed racial preferences in admissions to the state's universities. Recently the Supreme Court has also overturned racial preferences in voting and redistricting.

As reported by the Associated Press, Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginzburg dissented, trying in vain to save the white men on the court from themselves. Justice Clarence Thomas, as usual, voted with his white male counterparts. The Washington Post reported that no reason was given for Justice Elena Kagan's recusal.

The Brookings Institution, in a report last year based on U.S. Census data, estimates that by the year 2043 white people will be in the minority in the United States.

Kenneth Johnson of the Carsey Institute told USA Today that 80% of deaths in the USA now are among whites as more and more baby boomers pass away. It is estimated that at this rate, it will not be too many years before white people will be begging for racial parity in jobs, college admissions, and housing.

When asked to comment on this turn of events, Wayne LaPierre, Executive Vice President of the National Rifle Association, told the Arlington Times & Ammo Weekly, "Why do you think we keep paying white politicians to ease up on gun restrictions while telling our members to load up on guns and ammo?"

A prescient Sarah Palin told the Nome Herald Grizzly Monthly that she, "knew this was going to happen."  The former Alaska Governor adding, "Why do you think Todd and I live in Alaska?"

Former South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint, now President of the Heritage Foundation, says the South will come out on top in this scenario. "We have always had a good relationship with our colored folks, which should help us in the future down here." he told FOX News.

The Tea Party Republican then went on to respond to a question regarding Hispanic-Americans, "Why do you think so many of them Mexican fellas move to the South? We treat'em real good while they's a pickin' our strawberries and peaches.  I ain't worried one bit Southern whites'll lose a place at the big table in the future."

"It will be interesting to see how crackers, I mean Caucasian-Americans, respond to this change," said Minister Reginald Muhammad of the Black Muslim Society of America, "I just hope they like fried chicken and bean pies, because they will be eating a lot of that."  Mr. Muhammad added that, "Inshallah they don't get caught up washing them down with that evil malt liquor brew." according to his interview in Muhammad Speaks.

Dallas, Texas-based Big & Juicy Steakhouse chairman, Glen Campbell, told the Texas Cowboy Roping Star Daily that they are already working on revised menus for the future, to include stir-fried rice, chicken mole, and chitterlings and greens dishes. "Our 20-year-old company cannot survive on the few rich white Americans that will be left," Campbell added.

Bank of America is not waiting according to a story in The Wall Street Journal. Redlines are already being drawn around white neighborhoods in states where the big bank has a presence.

"When they are left behind without promotions and college opportunities, white people will be unable to pay their housing and other loans," according to an unnamed Bank of America Vice President. "We need to figure out now how much extra to charge for these loans in order to be able to roll them out day one in 2043," she added.

At the Justice Department, Eric Holder has slowed the investigation into voting rights violations around the country. "After last Tuesday's decision, I think in the end this will work out fine for us," he noted for the Baltimore Afro-American.

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